Circular Economy
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“The goods of today are the resources of tomorrow at yesterday’s resource prices”
Circular Economy (CE) is a tested reality now and the concept is ingrained in the agenda of Sustainable Development Goals. For a country like India, CE has tremendous potential to deliver the goals of resource efficiency and job creation. Resource circularity goes a long way in the evoltion of a nation-wide value chain. In fact, that’s happening already. According to the estimates of Ellen Macarthur Foundation “a circular economy path adopted by India could bring in annual benefits of ₹40 lakh crores or approximately US$ 624 billion in 2050.
The greenhouse emission would reduce by 44% along with significant reduction in congestion and pollution, thus, contributing to health and economic benefits to the society”. What is needed is a complete change in mindset to revolutionize the entire production sector to leverage on this idea more efficiently. A lot of challenges are there too: cultural, technological, market and regulatory! However, we cannot afford to miss the bus! Huge opportunities are there to tap! CBSR helps in facing those challenges.
CBSR can help you take advantage of and tap some of these huge opportunities that are out there!